module lsR where

open import Level
open import Size
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.List.Base as List using (List; []; _∷_; _∷ʳ_)
import Data.List.Categorical as List; open List.TraversableA
open import Data.Maybe.Base using (Maybe; nothing; just)
import Data.Maybe.Categorical as Maybe
open import Data.Nat.Base
open import Data.Product
open import Data.String.Base
open import Codata.IO
open import Codata.Thunk
open import Function
open import System.Environment
open import System.FilePath.Posix
open import System.Directory
open import System.Directory.Tree

padding : Bool  List Bool  String
padding dir? []       = ""
padding dir? (b  bs) =
  (if dir?  List.null bs
   then if b then " ├ " else " └ "
   else if b then " │"  else "  ")
  ++ padding dir? bs

prefixes :   List Bool
prefixes n = List.replicate (n  1) true ∷ʳ false

printSubTrees :  {i}  List (List Bool × IO′ 0ℓ (Tree n) i)  IO′ 0ℓ  i
printSubTrees []                  = pure _
printSubTrees ((bs , iot)  iots) = iot >>=ᵗ λ where
  (dir  fs :< ds) .force  do
    let bs′ = List.reverse bs
    putStrLn (padding true bs′ ++ getFilePath dir)
    let pad = padding false bs′
    let pads = prefixes (List.length fs + List.length ds)
    ListIO.forM′ ( pads fs) $ λ (b , fp)  do
      putStrLn (pad ++ (if b then " ├ " else " └ ") ++ getFilePath fp)
    let ds = ((tree# <$>_) ∘′ proj₂) ds
    let bs = (_∷ bs) (prefixes (List.length ds))
    printSubTrees ( bs ds)
    printSubTrees iots

printTree : Tree n  IO 0ℓ 
printTree t = printSubTrees (([] , pure t)  [])

printTreeAt : FilePath n  IO 0ℓ 
printTreeAt fp = printTree =<< tree {{relative}} fp

usage : IO 0ℓ _
usage = putStrLn "Requires a non-empty list of paths to directories"

isDirectoryPath : String  IO  (Maybe SomePath)
isDirectoryPath str = do
  let fp = mkFilePath str
  b  doesDirectoryExist fp
  pure $ if b then just fp else nothing

main = run $ do
  -- make sure all the arguments passed are paths to directories
  fps  ListIO.mapM isDirectoryPath =<< getArgs
  case sequenceA Maybe.applicative fps of λ where
    -- make sure at least one argument was passed
    (just fps@(_  _))  ListIO.mapM′ printTreeAt fps
    _  usage