{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
open import Relation.Binary
module Algebra.Construct.NaturalChoice.Min
{a ℓ₁ ℓ₂} (totalOrder : TotalOrder a ℓ₁ ℓ₂)
open import Algebra.Core
open import Algebra.Bundles
open import Data.Sum.Base using (inj₁; inj₂; [_,_])
open import Data.Product using (_,_)
open import Function.Base using (id)
open TotalOrder totalOrder renaming (Carrier to A)
open import Algebra.Definitions _≈_
open import Algebra.Structures _≈_
infixl 7 _⊓_
_⊓_ : Op₂ A
x ⊓ y with total x y
... | inj₁ x≤y = x
... | inj₂ y≤x = y
⊓-sel : Selective _⊓_
⊓-sel x y with total x y
... | inj₁ x≤y = inj₁ Eq.refl
... | inj₂ y≤x = inj₂ Eq.refl
⊓-idem : Idempotent _⊓_
⊓-idem x with ⊓-sel x x
... | inj₁ x⊓x=x = x⊓x=x
... | inj₂ x⊓x=x = x⊓x=x
⊓-cong : Congruent₂ _⊓_
⊓-cong {w} {x} {y} {z} w≈x y≈z with total w y | total x z
... | inj₁ w≤y | inj₁ x≤z = w≈x
... | inj₁ w≤y | inj₂ z≤x = antisym (≤-respʳ-≈ y≈z w≤y) (≤-respʳ-≈ (Eq.sym w≈x) z≤x)
... | inj₂ y≤w | inj₁ x≤z = antisym (≤-respʳ-≈ w≈x y≤w) (≤-respʳ-≈ (Eq.sym y≈z) x≤z)
... | inj₂ y≤w | inj₂ z≤x = y≈z
⊓-comm : Commutative _⊓_
⊓-comm x y with total x y | total y x
... | inj₁ x≤y | inj₁ y≤x = antisym x≤y y≤x
... | inj₁ _ | inj₂ _ = Eq.refl
... | inj₂ _ | inj₁ _ = Eq.refl
... | inj₂ y≤x | inj₂ x≤y = antisym y≤x x≤y
⊓-assoc : Associative _⊓_
⊓-assoc x y z with total x y | total x z | total y z
⊓-assoc x y z | inj₁ x≤y | inj₁ x≤z | inj₁ y≤z with total x z | total x y
... | inj₁ x≤z₂ | inj₁ _ = Eq.refl
... | inj₁ x≤z₂ | inj₂ y≤x = antisym x≤y y≤x
... | inj₂ z≤x | inj₁ _ = antisym z≤x (trans x≤y y≤z)
... | inj₂ z≤x | inj₂ y≤x = antisym (trans z≤x x≤y) (trans y≤x x≤z)
⊓-assoc x y z | inj₁ x≤y | inj₁ x≤z | inj₂ z≤y with total x z
... | inj₁ _ = Eq.refl
... | inj₂ _ = Eq.refl
⊓-assoc x y z | inj₁ x≤y | inj₂ z≤x | inj₁ y≤z with total x z | total x y
... | inj₁ x≤z | inj₁ _ = Eq.refl
... | inj₁ x≤z | inj₂ y≤x = antisym x≤y (trans y≤z z≤x)
... | inj₂ _ | inj₁ _ = antisym z≤x (trans x≤y y≤z)
... | inj₂ _ | inj₂ y≤x = antisym (trans z≤x x≤y) y≤z
⊓-assoc x y z | inj₁ x≤y | inj₂ z≤x | inj₂ z≤y with total x z
... | inj₁ _ = Eq.refl
... | inj₂ _ = Eq.refl
⊓-assoc x y z | inj₂ y≤x | inj₁ x≤z | inj₁ y≤z with total y z | total x y
... | inj₁ _ | inj₁ x≤y = antisym y≤x x≤y
... | inj₁ _ | inj₂ _ = Eq.refl
... | inj₂ z≤y | inj₁ x≤y = antisym (trans z≤y y≤x) (trans x≤y y≤z)
... | inj₂ z≤y | inj₂ _ = antisym z≤y (trans y≤x x≤z)
⊓-assoc x y z | inj₂ y≤x | inj₁ x≤z | inj₂ z≤y with total y z | total x z
... | inj₁ y≤z | inj₁ _ = antisym y≤x (trans x≤z z≤y)
... | inj₁ y≤z | inj₂ z≤x = antisym (trans y≤x x≤z) z≤y
... | inj₂ _ | inj₁ _ = antisym (trans z≤y y≤x) x≤z
... | inj₂ _ | inj₂ z≤x = Eq.refl
⊓-assoc x y z | inj₂ y≤x | inj₂ z≤x | inj₁ y≤z with total y z | total x y
... | inj₁ _ | inj₁ x≤y = antisym (trans y≤z z≤x) x≤y
... | inj₁ _ | inj₂ _ = Eq.refl
... | inj₂ z≤y | inj₁ x≤y = antisym (trans z≤y y≤x) (trans x≤y y≤z)
... | inj₂ z≤y | inj₂ _ = antisym z≤y y≤z
⊓-assoc x y z | inj₂ y≤x | inj₂ z≤x | inj₂ z≤y with total y z | total x z
... | inj₁ y≤z | inj₁ x≤z = antisym (trans y≤z z≤x) (trans x≤z z≤y)
... | inj₁ y≤z | inj₂ _ = antisym y≤z z≤y
... | inj₂ _ | inj₁ x≤z = antisym (trans z≤y y≤x) x≤z
... | inj₂ _ | inj₂ _ = Eq.refl
⊓-identityˡ : ∀ {⊥} → Maximum _≤_ ⊥ → LeftIdentity ⊥ _⊓_
⊓-identityˡ {⊥} top x with total ⊥ x
... | inj₁ ⊥≤x = antisym ⊥≤x (top x)
... | inj₂ x≤⊥ = Eq.refl
⊓-identityʳ : ∀ {⊥} → Maximum _≤_ ⊥ → RightIdentity ⊥ _⊓_
⊓-identityʳ {⊥} top x with total x ⊥
... | inj₁ x≤⊥ = Eq.refl
... | inj₂ ⊥≤x = antisym ⊥≤x (top x)
⊓-identity : ∀ {⊥} → Maximum _≤_ ⊥ → Identity ⊥ _⊓_
⊓-identity top = (⊓-identityˡ top , ⊓-identityʳ top)
⊓-zeroˡ : ∀ {⊥} → Minimum _≤_ ⊥ → LeftZero ⊥ _⊓_
⊓-zeroˡ {⊥} bot x with total ⊥ x
... | inj₁ ⊥≤x = Eq.refl
... | inj₂ x≤⊥ = antisym x≤⊥ (bot x)
⊓-zeroʳ : ∀ {⊥} → Minimum _≤_ ⊥ → RightZero ⊥ _⊓_
⊓-zeroʳ {⊥} bot x with total x ⊥
... | inj₁ x≤⊥ = antisym x≤⊥ (bot x)
... | inj₂ ⊥≤x = Eq.refl
⊓-zero : ∀ {⊥} → Minimum _≤_ ⊥ → Zero ⊥ _⊓_
⊓-zero bot = (⊓-zeroˡ bot , ⊓-zeroʳ bot)
⊓-isMagma : IsMagma _⊓_
⊓-isMagma = record
{ isEquivalence = isEquivalence
; ∙-cong = ⊓-cong
⊓-isSemigroup : IsSemigroup _⊓_
⊓-isSemigroup = record
{ isMagma = ⊓-isMagma
; assoc = ⊓-assoc
⊓-isBand : IsBand _⊓_
⊓-isBand = record
{ isSemigroup = ⊓-isSemigroup
; idem = ⊓-idem
⊓-isSemilattice : IsSemilattice _⊓_
⊓-isSemilattice = record
{ isBand = ⊓-isBand
; comm = ⊓-comm
⊓-isMonoid : ∀ {⊥} → Maximum _≤_ ⊥ → IsMonoid _⊓_ ⊥
⊓-isMonoid top = record
{ isSemigroup = ⊓-isSemigroup
; identity = ⊓-identity top
⊓-isSelectiveMagma : IsSelectiveMagma _⊓_
⊓-isSelectiveMagma = record
{ isMagma = ⊓-isMagma
; sel = ⊓-sel
⊓-magma : Magma a ℓ₁
⊓-magma = record
{ isMagma = ⊓-isMagma
⊓-semigroup : Semigroup a ℓ₁
⊓-semigroup = record
{ isSemigroup = ⊓-isSemigroup
⊓-band : Band a ℓ₁
⊓-band = record
{ isBand = ⊓-isBand
⊓-semilattice : Semilattice a ℓ₁
⊓-semilattice = record
{ isSemilattice = ⊓-isSemilattice
⊓-monoid : ∀ {⊥} → Maximum _≤_ ⊥ → Monoid a ℓ₁
⊓-monoid top = record
{ isMonoid = ⊓-isMonoid top
⊓-selectiveMagma : SelectiveMagma a ℓ₁
⊓-selectiveMagma = record
{ isSelectiveMagma = ⊓-isSelectiveMagma
x⊓y≈y⇒y≤x : ∀ {x y} → x ⊓ y ≈ y → y ≤ x
x⊓y≈y⇒y≤x {x} {y} x⊓y≈y with total x y
... | inj₁ _ = reflexive (Eq.sym x⊓y≈y)
... | inj₂ y≤x = y≤x
x⊓y≈x⇒x≤y : ∀ {x y} → x ⊓ y ≈ x → x ≤ y
x⊓y≈x⇒x≤y {x} {y} x⊓y≈x with total x y
... | inj₁ x≤y = x≤y
... | inj₂ _ = reflexive (Eq.sym x⊓y≈x)