-- The Agda standard library
-- Basic auxiliary definitions for magma-like structures

-- You're unlikely to want to use this module directly. Instead you
-- probably want to be importing the appropriate module from
-- `Algebra.Properties.(Magma/Semigroup/...).Divisibility`

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Algebra.Bundles using (RawMagma)
open import Data.Product using (; _×_; _,_)
open import Level using (_⊔_)
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)

module Algebra.Definitions.RawMagma
  {a } (M : RawMagma a )

open RawMagma M renaming (Carrier to A)
open import Algebra.Definitions _≈_

-- Divisibility

infix 5 _∣ˡ_ _∤ˡ_ _∣ʳ_ _∤ʳ_ _∣_ _∤_

-- Divisibility from the left

_∣ˡ_ : Rel A (a  )
x ∣ˡ y =  λ q  (x  q)  y

_∤ˡ_ : Rel A (a  )
x ∤ˡ y = ¬ x ∣ˡ y

-- Divisibility from the right

_∣ʳ_ : Rel A (a  )
x ∣ʳ y =  λ q  (q  x)  y

_∤ʳ_ : Rel A (a  )
x ∤ʳ y = ¬ x ∣ʳ y

-- _∣ˡ_ and _∣ʳ_ are only equivalent in the commutative case. In this
-- case we take the right definition to be the primary one.

_∣_ : Rel A (a  )
_∣_ = _∣ʳ_

_∤_ : Rel A (a  )
x  y = ¬ x  y

-- Mutual divisibility

-- When in a cancellative monoid, elements related by _∣∣_ are called
-- associated and if x ∣∣ y then x and y differ by an invertible factor.

infix 5 _∣∣_ _∤∤_

_∣∣_ : Rel A (a  )
x ∣∣ y = x  y × y  x

_∤∤_ : Rel A (a  )
x ∤∤ y =  ¬ x ∣∣ y