-- The Agda standard library
-- This module is DEPRECATED. Please use `Data.Vec.Bounded` instead.

-- Vectors of a specified maximum length.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Data.BoundedVec.Inefficient where

"Data.BoundedVec.Inefficient was deprecated in v1.2.
Use Data.Vec.Bounded instead."

open import Data.Nat.Base
open import Data.List.Base

-- The type

infixr 5 _∷_

data BoundedVec {a} (A : Set a) :   Set a where
  []  :  {n}  BoundedVec A n
  _∷_ :  {n} (x : A) (xs : BoundedVec A n)  BoundedVec A (suc n)

-- Increasing the bound

-- Note that this operation is linear in the length of the list.

 :  {a n} {A : Set a}  BoundedVec A n  BoundedVec A (suc n)
 []       = []
 (x  xs) = x   xs

-- Conversions

fromList :  {a} {A : Set a}  (xs : List A)  BoundedVec A (length xs)
fromList []       = []
fromList (x  xs) = x  fromList xs

toList :  {a n} {A : Set a}  BoundedVec A n  List A
toList []       = []
toList (x  xs) = x  toList xs