-- The Agda standard library
-- Strings: builtin type and basic operations

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Data.String.Base where

open import Level using (zero)
open import Data.Bool.Base using (true; false)
open import Data.Bool.Properties using (T?)
open import Data.Nat.Base as  using (; _∸_; ⌊_/2⌋; ⌈_/2⌉)
import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕₚ
open import Data.List.Base as List using (List; _∷_; []; [_])
open import Data.List.NonEmpty as NE using (List⁺)
open import Data.List.Extrema ℕₚ.≤-totalOrder
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise using (Pointwise)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Lex.Strict using (Lex-<; Lex-≤)
open import Data.Vec.Base as Vec using (Vec)
open import Data.Char.Base as Char using (Char)
import Data.Char.Properties as Char using (_≟_)
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Relation.Nullary using (does)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred; Decidable)

open import Data.List.Membership.DecPropositional Char._≟_

-- From Agda.Builtin: type and renamed primitives

-- Note that we do not re-export primStringAppend because we want to
-- give it an infix definition and be able to assign it a level.

import Agda.Builtin.String as String

open String public using ( String )
  ( primStringToList   to toList
  ; primStringFromList to fromList
  ; primShowString     to show

-- Relations

-- Pointwise equality on Strings

infix 4 _≈_
_≈_ : Rel String zero
_≈_ = Pointwise _≡_ on toList

-- Lexicographic ordering on Strings

infix 4 _<_
_<_ : Rel String zero
_<_ = Lex-< _≡_ Char._<_ on toList

infix 4 _≤_
_≤_ : Rel String zero
_≤_ = Lex-≤ _≡_ Char._<_ on toList

-- Operations

-- Additional conversion functions

fromChar : Char  String
fromChar = fromList ∘′ [_]

fromList⁺ : List⁺ Char  String
fromList⁺ = fromList ∘′ NE.toList

-- List-like functions

infixr 5 _++_
_++_ : String  String  String
_++_ = String.primStringAppend

length : String  
length = List.length  toList

replicate :   Char  String
replicate n = fromList  List.replicate n

concat : List String  String
concat = List.foldr _++_ ""

intersperse : String  List String  String
intersperse sep = concat ∘′ (List.intersperse sep)

-- String-specific functions

wordsBy :  {p} {P : Pred Char p}  Decidable P  String  List String
wordsBy P? = List.map fromList  List.wordsBy P?  toList

words : String  List String
words = wordsBy (T?  Char.isSpace)

-- `words` ignores contiguous whitespace
_ : words " abc  b   "  "abc"  "b"  []
_ = refl

unwords : List String  String
unwords = intersperse " "

linesBy :  {p} {P : Pred Char p}  Decidable P  String  List String
linesBy P? = List.map fromList  List.linesBy P?  toList

lines : String  List String
lines = linesBy ('\n' Char.≟_)

-- `lines` preserves empty lines
_ : lines "\nabc\n\nb\n\n\n"  ""  "abc"  ""  "b"  ""  ""  []
_ = refl

unlines : List String  String
unlines = intersperse "\n"

parens : String  String
parens s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"

-- enclose string with parens if it contains a space character
parensIfSpace : String  String
parensIfSpace s with does (' ' ∈? toList s)
... | true  = parens s
... | false = s

braces : String  String
braces s = "{" ++ s ++ "}"

-- append that also introduces spaces, if necessary
infixr 5 _<+>_
_<+>_ : String  String  String
"" <+> b = b
a <+> "" = a
a <+> b = a ++ " " ++ b

-- Padding

-- Each one of the padding functions should verify the following
-- invariant:
--   If length str ≤ n then length (padLeft c n str) ≡ n
--   and otherwise padLeft c n str ≡ str.

-- Appending an empty string is expensive (append for Haskell's
-- Text creates a fresh Text value in which both contents are
-- copied) so we precompute `n ∸ length str` and check whether
-- it is equal to 0.

padLeft : Char    String  String
padLeft c n str with n  length str
... | 0 = str
... | l = replicate l c ++ str

padRight : Char    String  String
padRight c n str with n  length str
... | 0 = str
... | l = str ++ replicate l c

padBoth : Char  Char    String  String
padBoth cₗ cᵣ n str with n  length str
... | 0 = str
... | l = replicate  l /2⌋ cₗ ++ str ++ replicate  l /2⌉ cᵣ

-- Alignment

-- We can align a String left, center or right in a column of a given
-- width by padding it with whitespace.

data Alignment : Set where
  Left Center Right : Alignment

fromAlignment : Alignment    String  String
fromAlignment Left   = padRight ' '
fromAlignment Center = padBoth ' ' ' '
fromAlignment Right  = padLeft ' '

-- Rectangle

-- Build a rectangular column by:
-- Given a vector of cells and a padding function for each one
-- Compute the max of the widths, and pad the strings accordingly.

rectangle :  {n}  Vec (  String  String) n 
            Vec String n  Vec String n
rectangle pads cells = Vec.zipWith  p c  p width c) pads cells where

  sizes = List.map length (Vec.toList cells)
  width = max 0 sizes

-- Special cases for left, center, and right alignment

rectangleˡ :  {n}  Char  Vec String n  Vec String n
rectangleˡ c = rectangle (Vec.replicate $ padLeft c)

rectangleʳ :  {n}  Char  Vec String n  Vec String n
rectangleʳ c = rectangle (Vec.replicate $ padRight c)

rectangleᶜ :  {n}  Char  Char  Vec String n  Vec String n
rectangleᶜ cₗ cᵣ = rectangle (Vec.replicate $ padBoth cₗ cᵣ)