{-# OPTIONS --safe --sized-types #-}

module Generic.Semantics.Printing {I : Set} where

open import Codata.Stream using (Stream)
open import Size
open import Data.Product
open import Data.List.Base using (List; []; _∷_; _++_)
open import Data.String using (String)
open import Category.Monad
open import Category.Monad.State
open import Function
open import Relation.Unary

-- We reuse Name, Printer, M, fresh, and names from the STLC printing example

open import StateOfTheArt.ACMM using (module Printer)
open Printer using (Fresh; Wrap; Name; Printer; MkW; getW; map^Wrap; th^Wrap; fresh; names)

    Γ Δ : List I
    σ : I
    i : Size

-- The Printing Monad we are working with: a state containing a stream
-- of *distinct* Strings.
module ST = RawMonadState (StateMonadState (Stream String _))
open ST renaming (rawIApplicative to ApplicativeM)
        hiding (_<$>_)

open import Data.Var hiding (get; _<$>_)
open import Data.Environment hiding (_>>_; sequenceA; _<$>_)
open import Data.Var.Varlike
open import Generic.Syntax hiding (sequenceA)
open import Generic.Semantics

vl^FreshName : VarLike  (σ : I)  Fresh  (Name σ))
vl^FreshName = record
  { th^𝓥  = th^Functor functor^M th^Wrap
  ; new   = fresh _

    where open ST renaming (rawFunctor to functor^M)

-- To print a term the user need to explain to us how to display one
-- layer of term given that the newly-bound variables have been assigned
-- fresh names and the subterms have already been rendered using these
-- names.

Pieces : List I  I ─Scoped
Pieces []  i Γ = String
Pieces Δ   i Γ = (Δ ─Env) Name (Δ ++ Γ) × String

reify^Pieces :  Δ i  Kripke Name Printer Δ i Γ  Fresh (Pieces Δ i Γ)

reify^Pieces []         i p  = getW p

reify^Pieces Δ@(_  _)  i f  = do
  ρ  sequenceA (freshˡ vl^FreshName _)
  b  getW (f (freshʳ vl^Var Δ) ρ)
  return (ρ , b)

  where open Data.Environment
        instance _ = ApplicativeM

Display : Desc I  Set
Display d =  {i Γ}   d  Pieces i Γ  String

-- Generic Printing Semantics

-- Given a strategy to `Display` one layer of term we can generate a full
-- printer.

open Semantics

module _ {d : Desc I} where

  Printing : Display d  Semantics d Name Printer
  Printing dis .th^𝓥  = th^Wrap
  Printing dis .var   = map^Wrap return
  Printing dis .alg   = λ v  MkW $ dis <$> mapA d reify^Pieces v

    where open Generic.Syntax
          open ST
          instance _ = ApplicativeM

-- Corollary: a generic printer using a silly name supply

  open Data.Environment
  instance _ = ApplicativeM

  print : Display d  Tm d i σ Γ  String

  print dis t = proj₁ (printer names) where
    printer : Fresh String
    printer = do
      init  sequenceA (base vl^FreshName)
      getW (Semantics.semantics (Printing dis) init t)