{-# OPTIONS --safe --sized-types #-}

module Generic.Syntax.Bidirectional where

open import Size
open import Data.Product
open import Agda.Builtin.List
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
open import Function

open import Data.Var
open import Generic.Syntax

open import StateOfTheArt.ACMM using (Type; α; _`→_) public

-- We have an *untyped* language presented in a bidirectional manner
-- where phases are statically checked

data Mode : Set where
  Check Infer : Mode

data `Bidi : Set where
  App Lam Emb : `Bidi
  Cut : Type  `Bidi

    σ : Mode

-- On top of the traditional Application and Lambda-Abstraction constructors,
-- we have two change of direction ones: `Emb` which takes inferable terms and
-- makes them checkable (it is enough to compare the inferred type to the
-- candidate provided); and `Cut` which takes a checkable term and makes it
-- inferrable thanks to a type-annotation.

Bidi : Desc Mode
Bidi  =   `Bidi $ λ where
  App       `X [] Infer (`X [] Check (`∎ Infer))
  Lam       `X (Infer  []) Check (`∎ Check)
  (Cut σ)   `X [] Check (`∎ Infer)
  Emb       `X [] Infer (`∎ Check)

module PATTERNS where

  pattern `app' f t  = (App , f , t , refl)
  pattern `lam' b    = (Lam , b , refl)
  pattern `cut' σ t  = (Cut σ , t , refl)
  pattern `emb' t    = (Emb , t , refl)

  pattern `app f t  = `con (`app' f t)
  pattern `lam b    = `con (`lam' b)
  pattern `cut σ t  = `con (`cut' σ t)
  pattern `emb t    = `con (`emb' t)

id^B : Tm Bidi  Check []
id^B = `lam (`emb (`var z))

  where open PATTERNS