{-# OPTIONS --safe --sized-types #-}

module Motivation.Problem.WithLibrary where

open import Data.Var hiding (_<$>_)
open import Data.Var.Varlike
open import Data.Environment as E
open import Data.Relation

open import Generic.Syntax
open import Generic.Syntax.LetBinder
open import Generic.Semantics
open import Generic.Semantics.Syntactic
open import Generic.Semantics.Elaboration.LetBinder
open import Generic.Simulation as S
open import Generic.Fusion
open import Generic.Fusion.Syntactic as F
open import Generic.Fusion.Elaboration.LetBinder
open import Generic.Identity

open import Data.Bool hiding (T)
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Product
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ([_])
open ≡-Reasoning
open import Data.List hiding ([_] ; lookup)
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive

infixr 5 _⇒_
data Type : Set where
     : Type
  _⇒_ : Type  Type  Type

data `Target : Set where
  Lam App : Type  Type  `Target

Target : Desc Type
Target =  `Target $ λ where
  (Lam σ τ)  `X (σ  []) τ (`∎ (σ  τ))
  (App σ τ)  `X [] (σ  τ) (`X [] σ (`∎ τ))

Source : Desc Type
Source = Target `+ Let

S : Type ─Scoped
S = Tm Source _

T : Type ─Scoped
T = Tm Target _

pattern lam'  b   = (Lam _ _ , b , refl)
pattern lamS' b   = (true , lam' b)
pattern lamS  b   = `con (lamS' b)
pattern lamT  b   = `con (lam' b)
pattern app'  f t = (App _ _ , f , t , refl)
pattern appS' f t = (true , app' f t)
pattern appS  f t = `con (appS' f t)
pattern appT  f t = `con (app' f t)

pattern defS' e t = (false , _ , e , t , refl)
pattern defS  e t = `con (defS' e t)

infix 1 _⊢_∋_↝S_
data _⊢_∋_↝S_ :  Γ σ  S σ Γ  S σ Γ  Set where
-- computation
      :  {Γ σ τ} (b : S τ (σ  Γ)) u  Γ  τ  appS (lamS b) u ↝S b [ u /0]
      :  {Γ σ τ} e (t : S τ (σ  Γ))  Γ  τ  defS e t ↝S t [ e /0]
-- structural
  `lam  :  {Γ σ τ b c}  (σ  Γ)  τ  b ↝S c  Γ  σ  τ  lamS b ↝S lamS c
  `appl :  {Γ σ τ f g}  Γ  σ  τ  f ↝S g   t  Γ  τ  appS f t ↝S appS g t
  `appr :  {Γ σ τ t u} f  Γ  σ  t ↝S u  Γ  τ  appS f t ↝S appS f u

infix 1 _⊢_∋_↝T_
data _⊢_∋_↝T_ :  Γ σ  T σ Γ  T σ Γ  Set where
-- computation
      :  {Γ σ τ} (b : T τ (σ  Γ)) u  Γ  τ  appT (lamT b) u ↝T b [ u /0]
-- structural
  `lam  :  {Γ σ τ b c}  (σ  Γ)  τ  b ↝T c  Γ  σ  τ  lamT b ↝T lamT c
  `appl :  {Γ σ τ f g}  Γ  σ  τ  f ↝T g   t  Γ  τ  appT f t ↝T appT g t
  `appr :  {Γ σ τ t u} f  Γ  σ  t ↝T u  Γ  τ  appT f t ↝T appT f u

_⊢_∋_↝⋆T_ :  Γ σ  T σ Γ  T σ Γ  Set
Γ  σ  t ↝⋆T u = Star (Γ  σ ∋_↝T_) t u

↝⋆Tᴿ : Rel T T
rel ↝⋆Tᴿ σ = _  σ ∋_↝⋆T_

th^↝T :  {Γ Δ σ t u} (ρ : Thinning Γ Δ) 
        Γ  σ  t ↝T u  Δ  σ  th^Tm t ρ ↝T th^Tm u ρ
th^↝T ρ (`lam r)    = `lam (th^↝T _ r)
th^↝T ρ (`appl r t) = `appl (th^↝T ρ r) _
th^↝T ρ (`appr f r) = `appr _ (th^↝T ρ r)
th^↝T ρ ( b u)    = cast $  (th^Tm b _) (th^Tm u ρ)
  where cast = subst (_  _  th^Tm (appT (lamT b) u) ρ ↝T_) (renβ Target b (E.ε  u) ρ)

th^↝⋆T :  {Γ Δ σ t u} (ρ : Thinning Γ Δ) 
         Γ  σ  t ↝⋆T u  Δ  σ  th^Tm t ρ ↝⋆T th^Tm u ρ
th^↝⋆T ρ Star.ε   = Star.ε
th^↝⋆T ρ (r  rs) = th^↝T ρ r  th^↝⋆T ρ rs

UnLet^↝⋆T : Simulation Source UnLet UnLet ↝⋆Tᴿ ↝⋆Tᴿ
Simulation.thᴿ  UnLet^↝⋆T = th^↝⋆T
Simulation.varᴿ UnLet^↝⋆T = id
Simulation.algᴿ UnLet^↝⋆T = λ where
  (appS' f t) ρᴿ (refl , refl , f^r , t^r , _) 
    gmap  f  appT f _)  r  `appl r _) f^r
   ◅◅ gmap (appT _) (`appr _) t^r
  (lamS' b)   ρᴿ (refl , refl , b^r , _)       
    gmap lamT `lam (b^r _ (packᴿ  v  Star.ε)))
  (defS' e t) ρᴿ (refl , refl , e^r , t^r , _) 
    t^r _ (εᴿ ∙ᴿ e^r)

simulation :  {Γ Δ σ t u ρ ρ′}  All ↝⋆Tᴿ Γ ρ ρ′  Γ  σ  t ↝S u 
             Δ  σ  unLet ρ t ↝⋆T unLet ρ′ u
simulation {Γ} {Δ} {ρ = ρ} {ρ′} ρᴿ ( b u)    =
    subst (Δ  _  _ ↝⋆T_) (sym (Fusion.fusion SubUnLet reflᴿ b))
  $  (unLet _ b) (unLet _ u)
  ◅_ $  subst (Δ  _ ∋_↝⋆T _) (sym (unLetSub b eqᴿ))
  $ Simulation.sim UnLet^↝⋆T ρ∙uᴿ b where

  eq′ᴿ : All Eqᴿ _ (select (th^Env th^Var (base vl^Var) weaken) (unLet ρ u /0])) (base vl^Tm)
  lookupᴿ eq′ᴿ z     = refl
  lookupᴿ eq′ᴿ (s v) = cong (ren weaken  lookup (base vl^Tm)) (lookup-base^Var v)

  eqᴿ : All Eqᴿ _ (sub (unLet ρ u /0]) <$> (freshˡ vl^Tm Δ >> _))
                  (unLet ρ <$> (u /0]))
  lookupᴿ eqᴿ z     = refl
  lookupᴿ eqᴿ (s v) = begin
    sub (unLet ρ u /0]) (ren (th^Env th^Var (base vl^Var) weaken) (lookup ρ v))
      ≡⟨ Fusion.fusion (F.RenSub Target) eq′ᴿ (lookup ρ v) 
    sub (base vl^Tm) (lookup ρ v)
      ≡⟨ sub-id (lookup ρ v) 
    lookup ρ v
      ≡⟨ cong (unLet ρ) (sym $ lookup-base^Tm v) 
    unLet ρ (lookup (base vl^Tm) v)

  ρ∙uᴿ : All ↝⋆Tᴿ _ (unLet ρ <$> (u /0])) (unLet ρ′ <$> (u /0]))
  lookupᴿ ρ∙uᴿ z     = Simulation.sim UnLet^↝⋆T ρᴿ u
  lookupᴿ ρ∙uᴿ (s v) = cast $ lookupᴿ ρᴿ v where
    cast = subst  v  Δ  _  unLet ρ v ↝⋆T unLet ρ′ v) (sym (lookup-base^Tm v))

simulation {ρ = ρ} {ρ′} ρᴿ ( e t) =
  subst (_  _  _ ↝⋆T_) (sym (Fusion.fusion SubUnLet reflᴿ t))
  $ Simulation.sim UnLet^↝⋆T ρ′ᴿ t where

  ρ′ᴿ : All ↝⋆Tᴿ _ ((E.ε  unLet ρ e) >> th^Env th^Tm ρ (pack id)) (unLet ρ′ <$> (e /0]))
  lookupᴿ ρ′ᴿ k with split (_  []) k
  ... | inj₁ z  = Simulation.sim UnLet^↝⋆T ρᴿ e
  ... | inj₁ (s ())
  ... | inj₂  = cast $ lookupᴿ ρᴿ  where
    cast = subst₂  v w  _  _  v ↝⋆T unLet ρ′ w)
             (sym (ren-id′ (lookup ρ )))
             (sym (lookup-base^Tm ))

simulation {Γ} {Δ} {ρ = ρ} {ρ′} ρᴿ (`lam r) = gmap lamT `lam (simulation ρ′ᴿ r) where

  ρ′ᴿ : All ↝⋆Tᴿ _ (freshˡ vl^Tm Δ >> th^Env th^Tm ρ (freshʳ vl^Var (_  [])))
                   (freshˡ vl^Tm Δ >> th^Env th^Tm ρ′ (freshʳ vl^Var (_  [])))
  lookupᴿ ρ′ᴿ k with split (_  []) k
  ... | inj₁  = Star.ε
  ... | inj₂  = th^↝⋆T (th^Env th^Var (base vl^Var) weaken) (lookupᴿ ρᴿ )

simulation ρᴿ (`appl r t) =
     gmap  f  appT f _)  r  `appl r _) (simulation ρᴿ r)
  ◅◅ gmap (appT _) (`appr _) (Simulation.sim UnLet^↝⋆T ρᴿ t)
simulation ρᴿ (`appr f r) =
    gmap (appT _) (`appr _) (simulation ρᴿ r)
 ◅◅ gmap  f  appT f _)  r  `appl r _) (Simulation.sim UnLet^↝⋆T ρᴿ f)