-- The Agda standard library
-- Simple implementation of sets of ℕ.
-- Since ℕ is represented as unary numbers, simply having an ordered list of
-- numbers to represent a set is quite inefficient. For instance, to see if
-- 6 is in the set {1, 3, 4}, we have to do a comparison with 1, then 3, and
-- then 4. But 4 is equal to suc 3, so we should be able to share the work
-- accross those two comparisons.
-- This module defines a type that represents {1, 3, 4} as:
--   1 ∷ 1 ∷ 0 ∷ []
-- i.e. we only store the gaps. When checking if a number (the needle) is in the
-- set (the haystack), we subtract each successive member of the haystack from the
-- needle as we go. For example, to check if 6 is in the above set, we do the
-- following:
--   start:                  6 ∈? (1 ∷ 1 ∷ 0 ∷ [])
--   test head:              6 ≟ 1
--   not equal, so continue: (6 - 1 - 1) ∈? (1 ∷ 0 ∷ [])
--   compute:                4 ∈? (1 ∷ 0 ∷ [])
--   test head:              4 ≟ 1
--   not equal, so continue: (4 - 1 - 1) ∈? (0 ∷ [])
--   compute:                2 ∈? (0 ∷ [])
--   test head:              2 ≟ 0
--   not equal, so continue: (2 - 1 - 1) ∈? []
--   empty list:             false
-- In this way, we change the membership test from O(n²) to O(n).

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Tactic.RingSolver.Core.NatSet where

open import Data.Nat   as      using (; suc; zero)
open import Data.List  as List  using (List; _∷_; [])
open import Data.Maybe.Base as Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.Bool  as Bool  using (Bool)
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

-- Helper methods

para :  {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
       (A  List A  B  B)  B  List A  B
para f b []       = b
para f b (x  xs) = f x xs (para f b xs)

-- Definition

NatSet : Set
NatSet = List 

-- Functions

insert :   NatSet  NatSet
insert x xs = para f (_∷ []) xs x
  f :   NatSet  (  NatSet)    NatSet
  f y ys c x with ℕ.compare x y
  ... | ℕ.less x k    = x  k  ys
  ... | ℕ.equal x     = x  ys
  ... | ℕ.greater y k = y  c k

delete :   NatSet  NatSet
delete x xs = para f (const []) xs x
  f :   NatSet  (  NatSet)    NatSet
  f y ys c x with ℕ.compare x y
  f y ys c x         | ℕ.less    x k = y  ys
  f y [] c x         | ℕ.equal   x   = []
  f y₁ (y₂  ys) c x | ℕ.equal   x   = suc x ℕ.+ y₂  ys
  f y ys c x         | ℕ.greater y k = y  c k

-- Returns the position of the element, if it's present.
lookup :   NatSet  Maybe 
lookup x xs = List.foldr f (const (const nothing)) xs x 0
  f :   (    Maybe )      Maybe 
  f y ys x i with ℕ.compare x y
  ... | ℕ.less     x k = nothing
  ... | ℕ.equal    y   = just i
  ... | ℕ.greater  y k = ys k (suc i)

member :   NatSet  Bool
member x = Maybe.is-just  lookup x

fromList : List   NatSet
fromList = List.foldr insert []

toList : NatSet  List 
toList = List.drop 1  List.map ℕ.pred  List.scanl  x y  suc (y ℕ.+ x)) 0

-- Tests

  example₁ : fromList (4  3  1  0  2  [])  (0  0  0  0  0  [])
  example₁ = refl

  example₂ : lookup 3 (fromList (4  3  1  0  2  []))  just 3
  example₂ = refl

  example₃ : toList (fromList (4  3  1  0  2  []))  (0  1  2  3  4  [])
  example₃ = refl

  example₄ : delete 3 (fromList (4  3  1  2  []))  fromList (4  1  2  [])
  example₄ = refl

  example₅ : delete 3 (fromList (4  1  2  []))  fromList (4  1  2  [])
  example₅ = refl