-- The Agda standard library
-- "Evaluating" a polynomial, using Horner's method.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Tactic.RingSolver.Core.Polynomial.Parameters

module Tactic.RingSolver.Core.Polynomial.Semantics
  {r₁ r₂ r₃ r₄}
  (homo : Homomorphism r₁ r₂ r₃ r₄)

open import Data.Nat     using (; suc; zero; _≤′_; ≤′-step; ≤′-refl)
open import Data.Vec     using (Vec; []; _∷_; uncons)
open import Data.List    using ([]; _∷_)
open import Data.Product using (_,_; _×_)
open import Data.List.Kleene using (_+; _*; ∹_; _&_; [])

open Homomorphism homo hiding (_^_)
open import Tactic.RingSolver.Core.Polynomial.Base from
open import Algebra.Properties.Semiring.Exp.TCOptimised semiring

drop :  {i n}  i ≤′ n  Vec Carrier n  Vec Carrier i
drop ≤′-refl         xs       = xs
drop (≤′-step i+1≤n) (_  xs) = drop i+1≤n xs

drop-1 :  {i n}  suc i ≤′ n  Vec Carrier n  Carrier × Vec Carrier i
drop-1 si≤n xs = uncons (drop si≤n xs)
{-# INLINE drop-1 #-}

_*⟨_⟩^_ : Carrier  Carrier    Carrier
x *⟨ ρ ⟩^ zero = x
x *⟨ ρ ⟩^ suc i = ρ ^ (suc i) * x
{-# INLINE _*⟨_⟩^_ #-}

-- Evaluation
-- Why do we have three functions here? Why are they so weird looking?
-- These three functions are the main bottleneck for all of the proofs: as such,
-- slight changes can dramatically affect the length of proof code.


  _⟦∷⟧_ :  {n}  Poly n × Coeff n *  Carrier × Vec Carrier n  Carrier
  (x , [])     ⟦∷⟧ (ρ , ρs) =  x  ρs
  (x , ( xs)) ⟦∷⟧ (ρ , ρs) = ρ * ⅀⟦ xs  (ρ , ρs) +  x  ρs

  ⅀⟦_⟧ :  {n}  Coeff n +  (Carrier × Vec Carrier n)  Carrier
  ⅀⟦ x ≠0 Δ i & xs  (ρ , ρs) = ((x , xs) ⟦∷⟧ (ρ , ρs)) *⟨ ρ ⟩^ i
  {-# INLINE ⅀⟦_⟧ #-}

  ⟦_⟧ :  {n}  Poly n  Vec Carrier n  Carrier
   Κ x   i≤n  _ =  x ⟧ᵣ
    xs  i≤n  Ρ = ⅀⟦ xs  (drop-1 i≤n Ρ)
  {-# INLINE ⟦_⟧ #-}

-- Performance
-- As you might imagine, the implementation of the functions above seriously
-- affect performance. What you might not realise, though, is that the most
-- important component is the *order of the arguments*. For instance, if
-- we change:
--   (x , xs) ⟦∷⟧ (ρ , ρs) = ρ * ⅀⟦ xs ⟧ (ρ , ρs) + ⟦ x ⟧ ρs
-- To:
--   (x , xs) ⟦∷⟧ (ρ , ρs) = ⟦ x ⟧ ρs +  ⅀⟦ xs ⟧ (ρ , ρs) * ρ
-- We get a function that's several orders of magnitude slower!