{-# OPTIONS --safe --sized-types #-}

open import Generic.Syntax

module Generic.Semantics.Elaboration.LetCounter {I : Set} {d : Desc I} where

import Level as L
open import Size
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool
open import Data.Product
import Data.Product.Categorical.Right as PC
open import Data.List.Base using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All as All using (All; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All.Properties renaming (++⁻ʳ to drop)
open import Function

open import Relation.Unary
open import Data.Var
open import Data.Var.Varlike
open import Data.Environment using (Kripke; th^Var; ε; _∙_; identity; weaken; extract)
open import Generic.Syntax.LetCounter
open import Generic.Syntax.LetBinder
open import Generic.Semantics
open import Generic.Semantics.Syntactic

    Γ Δ : List I
    σ : I

module PCR {Γ : List I} = PC L.zero (rawMonoid Γ)
instance _ = PCR.applicative

Counted : I ─Scoped  I ─Scoped
Counted T i Γ = T i Γ × Count Γ

reify^Count :  Δ σ   Kripke Var (Counted (Tm (d `+ CLet) )) Δ σ Γ 
                       Counted (Scope (Tm (d `+ CLet) ) Δ) σ Γ
reify^Count Δ σ kr = let (scp , c) = reify vl^Var Δ σ kr in scp , drop Δ c

clet :   Let  (Kripke Var (Counted (Tm (d `+ CLet) ))) σ Γ 
        Counted ( CLet  (Scope (Tm (d `+ CLet) ))) σ Γ
clet (στ , (e , ce) , body , eq) = case body weaken (ε  z) of λ where
  (t , cx  ct)   (cx , στ , e , t , eq) , merge (control cx ce) ct

Annotate : Semantics (d `+ Let) Var (Counted (Tm (d `+ CLet) ))
Semantics.th^𝓥   Annotate = th^Var
Semantics.var    Annotate = λ v  `var v , fromVar v
Semantics.alg    Annotate = λ where
  (true , t)     let (t' , c)   = mapA d reify^Count t in `con (true , t') , c
  (false , et)   let (et' , c)  = clet et in `con (false , et') , c

annotate : ∀[ Tm (d `+ Let)  σ  Tm (d `+ CLet)  σ ]

annotate t = let (t' , _) = Semantics.semantics Annotate identity t in t'

Inline : Semantics (d `+ CLet) (Tm (d `+ Let) ) (Tm (d `+ Let) )
Semantics.th^𝓥 Inline = th^Tm
Semantics.var   Inline = id
Semantics.alg   Inline = λ where
  (true , t)                        `con (true , fmap d (reify vl^Tm) t)
  (false , many , στ , e , b , eq)  `con (false , στ , e , b weaken (ε  `var z) , eq)
  (false , _ , στ , e , b , refl)   extract b (ε  e) -- cf Semantics.alg UnLet

inline : Tm (d `+ CLet)  σ Γ  Tm (d `+ Let)  σ Γ
inline = Semantics.semantics Inline id^Tm 

inline-affine : Tm (d `+ Let)  σ Γ  Tm (d `+ Let)  σ Γ
inline-affine = inline ∘′ annotate