{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
open import Equality
module Equivalence
{reflexive} (eq : ∀ {a p} → Equality-with-J a p reflexive) where
open import Bijection eq as Bijection hiding (id; _∘_; inverse)
open Derived-definitions-and-properties eq
open import Groupoid eq
open import H-level eq as H-level
open import H-level.Closure eq
open import Injection eq using (_↣_; module _↣_; Injective)
open import Logical-equivalence hiding (id; _∘_; inverse)
open import Preimage eq as Preimage using (_⁻¹_)
open import Prelude as P hiding (id) renaming (_∘_ to _⊚_)
open import Surjection eq as Surjection using (_↠_; module _↠_)
Is-equivalence : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} →
(A → B) → Set (a ⊔ b)
Is-equivalence f = ∀ y → Contractible (f ⁻¹ y)
propositional :
∀ {a b} → Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
{A : Set a} {B : Set b} (f : A → B) →
Is-proposition (Is-equivalence f)
propositional {a} ext f =
Π-closure (lower-extensionality a lzero ext) 1 λ _ →
Contractible-propositional ext
respects-extensional-equality :
∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {f g : A → B} →
(∀ x → f x ≡ g x) →
Is-equivalence f → Is-equivalence g
respects-extensional-equality f≡g f-eq = λ b →
(_↔_.surjection (Preimage.respects-extensional-equality f≡g))
(f-eq b)
subst-is-equivalence :
∀ {a p} {A : Set a} (P : A → Set p) {x y : A} (x≡y : x ≡ y) →
Is-equivalence (subst P x≡y)
subst-is-equivalence P = elim
(λ {x y} x≡y → Is-equivalence (subst P x≡y))
(λ x p → _ , λ q →
(p , subst-refl P p) ≡⟨ elim
(λ {u v : P x} u≡v →
_≡_ {A = ∃ λ (w : P x) → subst P (refl x) w ≡ v}
(v , subst-refl P v)
(u , trans (subst-refl P u) u≡v))
(λ p → cong (_,_ p) (sym $ trans-reflʳ _))
(proj₁ q ≡⟨ sym $ subst-refl P (proj₁ q) ⟩
subst P (refl x) (proj₁ q) ≡⟨ proj₂ q ⟩∎
p ∎) ⟩
(proj₁ q , (trans (subst-refl P (proj₁ q)) $
trans (sym (subst-refl P (proj₁ q))) $
proj₂ q)) ≡⟨ cong (_,_ (proj₁ q)) $ sym $ trans-assoc _ _ _ ⟩
(proj₁ q , trans (trans (subst-refl P (proj₁ q))
(sym (subst-refl P (proj₁ q))))
(proj₂ q)) ≡⟨ cong (λ eq → proj₁ q , trans eq (proj₂ q)) $ trans-symʳ _ ⟩
(proj₁ q , trans (refl _) (proj₂ q)) ≡⟨ cong (_,_ (proj₁ q)) $ trans-reflˡ _ ⟩∎
q ∎)
drop-Σ-map-id :
∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B C : A → Set b} (f : ∀ {x} → B x → C x) →
Is-equivalence {A = Σ A B} {B = Σ A C} (Σ-map P.id f) →
∀ x → Is-equivalence (f {x = x})
drop-Σ-map-id {b = b} {A} {B} {C} f eq x z =
H-level.respects-surjection surj 0 (eq (x , z))
map-f : Σ A B → Σ A C
map-f = Σ-map P.id f
to-P : ∀ {x y} {p : ∃ C} → (x , f y) ≡ p → Set b
to-P {y = y} {p} _ = ∃ λ y′ → f y′ ≡ proj₂ p
to : map-f ⁻¹ (x , z) → f ⁻¹ z
to ((x′ , y) , eq) = elim¹ to-P (y , refl (f y)) eq
from : f ⁻¹ z → map-f ⁻¹ (x , z)
from (y , eq) = (x , y) , cong (_,_ x) eq
to∘from : ∀ p → to (from p) ≡ p
to∘from (y , eq) = elim¹
(λ {z′} (eq : f y ≡ z′) →
_≡_ {A = ∃ λ (y : B x) → f y ≡ z′}
(elim¹ to-P (y , refl (f y)) (cong (_,_ x) eq))
(y , eq))
(elim¹ to-P (y , refl (f y)) (cong (_,_ x) (refl (f y))) ≡⟨ cong (elim¹ to-P (y , refl (f y))) $
cong-refl (_,_ x) {x = f y} ⟩
elim¹ to-P (y , refl (f y)) (refl (x , f y)) ≡⟨ elim¹-refl to-P _ ⟩∎
(y , refl (f y)) ∎)
surj : map-f ⁻¹ (x , z) ↠ f ⁻¹ z
surj = record
{ logical-equivalence = record { to = to; from = from }
; right-inverse-of = to∘from
infix 4 _≃_
record _≃_ {a b} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) : Set (a ⊔ b) where
constructor ⟨_,_⟩
to : A → B
is-equivalence : Is-equivalence to
from : B → A
from y = proj₁ (proj₁ (is-equivalence y))
right-inverse-of : ∀ x → to (from x) ≡ x
right-inverse-of x = proj₂ (proj₁ (is-equivalence x))
left-inverse-of : ∀ x → from (to x) ≡ x
left-inverse-of x =
cong (proj₁ {B = λ x′ → to x′ ≡ to x}) (
proj₁ (is-equivalence (to x)) ≡⟨ proj₂ (is-equivalence (to x)) (x , refl (to x)) ⟩∎
(x , refl (to x)) ∎)
bijection : A ↔ B
bijection = record
{ surjection = record
{ logical-equivalence = record
{ to = to
; from = from
; right-inverse-of = right-inverse-of
; left-inverse-of = left-inverse-of
open _↔_ bijection public
hiding (from; to; right-inverse-of; left-inverse-of)
irrelevance : ∀ y (p : to ⁻¹ y) → (from y , right-inverse-of y) ≡ p
irrelevance y = proj₂ (is-equivalence y)
left-right-lemma :
∀ x → cong to (left-inverse-of x) ≡ right-inverse-of (to x)
left-right-lemma x =
lemma₁ to _ _ (lemma₂ (irrelevance (to x) (x , refl (to x))))
lemma₁ : {x y : A} (f : A → B) (p : x ≡ y) (q : f x ≡ f y) →
refl (f y) ≡ trans (cong f (sym p)) q →
cong f p ≡ q
lemma₁ f = elim
(λ {x y} p → ∀ q → refl (f y) ≡ trans (cong f (sym p)) q →
cong f p ≡ q)
(λ x q hyp →
cong f (refl x) ≡⟨ cong-refl f ⟩
refl (f x) ≡⟨ hyp ⟩
trans (cong f (sym (refl x))) q ≡⟨ cong (λ p → trans (cong f p) q) sym-refl ⟩
trans (cong f (refl x)) q ≡⟨ cong (λ p → trans p q) (cong-refl f) ⟩
trans (refl (f x)) q ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ _ ⟩∎
q ∎)
lemma₂ : ∀ {f : A → B} {y} {f⁻¹y₁ f⁻¹y₂ : f ⁻¹ y}
(p : f⁻¹y₁ ≡ f⁻¹y₂) →
proj₂ f⁻¹y₂ ≡
trans (cong f (sym (cong (proj₁ {B = λ x → f x ≡ y}) p)))
(proj₂ f⁻¹y₁)
lemma₂ {f} {y} =
let pr = proj₁ {B = λ x → f x ≡ y} in
elim {A = f ⁻¹ y}
(λ {f⁻¹y₁ f⁻¹y₂} p →
proj₂ f⁻¹y₂ ≡
trans (cong f (sym (cong pr p))) (proj₂ f⁻¹y₁))
(λ f⁻¹y →
proj₂ f⁻¹y ≡⟨ sym $ trans-reflˡ _ ⟩
trans (refl (f (proj₁ f⁻¹y))) (proj₂ f⁻¹y) ≡⟨ cong (λ p → trans p (proj₂ f⁻¹y)) (sym (cong-refl f)) ⟩
trans (cong f (refl (proj₁ f⁻¹y))) (proj₂ f⁻¹y) ≡⟨ cong (λ p → trans (cong f p) (proj₂ f⁻¹y)) (sym sym-refl) ⟩
trans (cong f (sym (refl (proj₁ f⁻¹y)))) (proj₂ f⁻¹y) ≡⟨ cong (λ p → trans (cong f (sym p)) (proj₂ f⁻¹y))
(sym (cong-refl pr)) ⟩∎
trans (cong f (sym (cong pr (refl f⁻¹y)))) (proj₂ f⁻¹y) ∎)
right-left-lemma :
∀ x → cong from (right-inverse-of x) ≡ left-inverse-of (from x)
right-left-lemma x = subst
(λ x → cong from (right-inverse-of x) ≡ left-inverse-of (from x))
(right-inverse-of x)
(let y = from x in
cong from (right-inverse-of (to y)) ≡⟨ cong (cong from) $ sym $ left-right-lemma y ⟩
cong from (cong to (left-inverse-of y)) ≡⟨ cong-∘ from to _ ⟩
cong (from ⊚ to) (left-inverse-of y) ≡⟨ cong-roughly-id (from ⊚ to) (λ _ → true) (left-inverse-of y)
_ _ (λ z _ → left-inverse-of z) ⟩
trans (left-inverse-of (from (to y)))
(trans (left-inverse-of y) (sym (left-inverse-of y))) ≡⟨ cong (trans _) $ trans-symʳ _ ⟩
trans (left-inverse-of (from (to y))) (refl _) ≡⟨ trans-reflʳ _ ⟩∎
left-inverse-of (from (to y)) ∎)
↔⇒≃ : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} → A ↔ B → A ≃ B
↔⇒≃ A↔B = record
{ to = to
; is-equivalence = λ y →
(from y , right-inverse-of y) , irrelevance y
open _↔_ A↔B using (to; from)
is-equivalence : Is-equivalence to
is-equivalence = Preimage.bijection⁻¹-contractible A↔B
right-inverse-of : ∀ x → to (from x) ≡ x
right-inverse-of = proj₂ ⊚ proj₁ ⊚ is-equivalence
irrelevance : ∀ y (p : to ⁻¹ y) → (from y , right-inverse-of y) ≡ p
irrelevance = proj₂ ⊚ is-equivalence
id : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → A ≃ A
id = ⟨ P.id , singleton-contractible ⟩
inverse : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} → A ≃ B → B ≃ A
inverse A≃B = ⟨ from , (λ y → (to y , left-inverse-of y) , irr y) ⟩
open _≃_ A≃B
irr : ∀ y (p : from ⁻¹ y) → (to y , left-inverse-of y) ≡ p
irr y (x , from-x≡y) =
Σ-≡,≡→≡ (from-to from-x≡y) (elim¹
(λ {y} ≡y → subst (λ z → from z ≡ y)
(trans (cong to (sym ≡y))
(right-inverse-of x))
(left-inverse-of y) ≡ ≡y)
(let lemma =
trans (cong to (sym (refl (from x))))
(right-inverse-of x) ≡⟨ cong (λ eq → trans (cong to eq) (right-inverse-of x)) sym-refl ⟩
trans (cong to (refl (from x)))
(right-inverse-of x) ≡⟨ cong (λ eq → trans eq (right-inverse-of x)) $ cong-refl to ⟩
trans (refl (to (from x)))
(right-inverse-of x) ≡⟨ trans-reflˡ (right-inverse-of x) ⟩∎
right-inverse-of x ∎
subst (λ z → from z ≡ from x)
(trans (cong to (sym (refl (from x))))
(right-inverse-of x))
(left-inverse-of (from x)) ≡⟨ cong₂ (subst (λ z → from z ≡ from x))
lemma (sym $ right-left-lemma x) ⟩
subst (λ z → from z ≡ from x)
(right-inverse-of x)
(cong from $ right-inverse-of x) ≡⟨ subst-∘ (λ z → z ≡ from x) from _ ⟩
subst (λ z → z ≡ from x)
(cong from $ right-inverse-of x)
(cong from $ right-inverse-of x) ≡⟨ cong (λ eq → subst (λ z → z ≡ from x) eq
(cong from $ right-inverse-of x)) $
sym $ sym-sym _ ⟩
subst (λ z → z ≡ from x)
(sym $ sym $ cong from $ right-inverse-of x)
(cong from $ right-inverse-of x) ≡⟨ subst-trans _ ⟩
trans (sym $ cong from $ right-inverse-of x)
(cong from $ right-inverse-of x) ≡⟨ trans-symˡ _ ⟩∎
refl (from x) ∎)
infixr 9 _∘_
_∘_ : ∀ {a b c} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {C : Set c} →
B ≃ C → A ≃ B → A ≃ C
f ∘ g = record
{ to = to
; is-equivalence = λ y →
(from y , right-inverse-of y) , irrelevance y
f∘g = ↔⇒≃ $ Bijection._∘_ (_≃_.bijection f) (_≃_.bijection g)
to = _≃_.to f∘g
from = _≃_.from f∘g
right-inverse-of : ∀ x → to (from x) ≡ x
right-inverse-of = _≃_.right-inverse-of f∘g
irrelevance : ∀ y (p : to ⁻¹ y) → (from y , right-inverse-of y) ≡ p
irrelevance = _≃_.irrelevance f∘g
infixr 0 _≃⟨_⟩_
infix 0 finally-≃
_≃⟨_⟩_ : ∀ {a b c} (A : Set a) {B : Set b} {C : Set c} →
A ≃ B → B ≃ C → A ≃ C
_ ≃⟨ A≃B ⟩ B≃C = B≃C ∘ A≃B
finally-≃ : ∀ {a b} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) → A ≃ B → A ≃ B
finally-≃ _ _ A≃B = A≃B
syntax finally-≃ A B A≃B = A ≃⟨ A≃B ⟩□ B □
right-inverse-of-id :
∀ {a} {A : Set a} {x : A} →
_≃_.right-inverse-of id x ≡ refl x
right-inverse-of-id {x = x} = refl (refl x)
left-inverse-of-id :
∀ {a} {A : Set a} {x : A} →
_≃_.left-inverse-of id x ≡ refl x
left-inverse-of-id {x = x} =
left-inverse-of x ≡⟨⟩
left-inverse-of (P.id x) ≡⟨ sym $ right-left-lemma x ⟩
cong P.id (right-inverse-of x) ≡⟨ sym $ cong-id _ ⟩
right-inverse-of x ≡⟨ right-inverse-of-id ⟩∎
refl x ∎
where open _≃_ id
right-inverse-of∘inverse :
∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} →
∀ (A≃B : A ≃ B) {x} →
_≃_.right-inverse-of (inverse A≃B) x ≡
_≃_.left-inverse-of A≃B x
right-inverse-of∘inverse A≃B = refl _
left-inverse-of∘inverse :
∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} →
∀ (A≃B : A ≃ B) {x} →
_≃_.left-inverse-of (inverse A≃B) x ≡
_≃_.right-inverse-of A≃B x
left-inverse-of∘inverse {A = A} {B} A≃B {x} =
subst (λ x → _≃_.left-inverse-of (inverse A≃B) x ≡
right-inverse-of x)
(right-inverse-of x)
(_≃_.left-inverse-of (inverse A≃B) (to (from x)) ≡⟨ sym $ _≃_.right-left-lemma (inverse A≃B) (from x) ⟩
cong to (_≃_.right-inverse-of (inverse A≃B) (from x)) ≡⟨ cong (cong to) $ right-inverse-of∘inverse A≃B ⟩
cong to (left-inverse-of (from x)) ≡⟨ left-right-lemma (from x) ⟩∎
right-inverse-of (to (from x)) ∎)
where open _≃_ A≃B
record Two-out-of-three
{a b c} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {C : Set c}
(f : A → B) (g : B → C) : Set (a ⊔ b ⊔ c) where
f-g : Is-equivalence f → Is-equivalence g → Is-equivalence (g ⊚ f)
g-g∘f : Is-equivalence g → Is-equivalence (g ⊚ f) → Is-equivalence f
g∘f-f : Is-equivalence (g ⊚ f) → Is-equivalence f → Is-equivalence g
two-out-of-three :
∀ {a b c} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {C : Set c}
(f : A → B) (g : B → C) → Two-out-of-three f g
two-out-of-three f g = record
{ f-g = λ f-eq g-eq →
_≃_.is-equivalence (⟨ g , g-eq ⟩ ∘ ⟨ f , f-eq ⟩)
; g-g∘f = λ g-eq g∘f-eq →
(λ x → let g⁻¹ = _≃_.from ⟨ g , g-eq ⟩ in
g⁻¹ (g (f x)) ≡⟨ _≃_.left-inverse-of ⟨ g , g-eq ⟩ (f x) ⟩∎
f x ∎)
(inverse ⟨ g , g-eq ⟩ ∘ ⟨ _ , g∘f-eq ⟩))
; g∘f-f = λ g∘f-eq f-eq →
(λ x → let f⁻¹ = _≃_.from ⟨ f , f-eq ⟩ in
g (f (f⁻¹ x)) ≡⟨ cong g (_≃_.right-inverse-of ⟨ f , f-eq ⟩ x) ⟩∎
g x ∎)
(⟨ _ , g∘f-eq ⟩ ∘ inverse ⟨ f , f-eq ⟩))
function-between-contractible-types-is-equivalence :
∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} (f : A → B) →
Contractible A → Contractible B → Is-equivalence f
function-between-contractible-types-is-equivalence f cA cB =
(two-out-of-three f (const tt))
(lemma cB)
(lemma cA)
lemma : ∀ {b} {C : Set b} → Contractible C →
Is-equivalence (λ (_ : C) → tt)
lemma (x , irr) _ = (x , refl tt) , λ p →
(x , refl tt) ≡⟨ Σ-≡,≡→≡
(irr (proj₁ p))
(subst (λ _ → tt ≡ tt)
(irr (proj₁ p)) (refl tt) ≡⟨ elim (λ eq → subst (λ _ → tt ≡ tt) eq (refl tt) ≡ refl tt)
(λ _ → subst-refl (λ _ → tt ≡ tt) (refl tt))
(irr (proj₁ p)) ⟩
refl tt ≡⟨ elim (λ eq → refl tt ≡ eq) (refl ⊚ refl) (proj₂ p) ⟩∎
proj₂ p ∎) ⟩∎
p ∎
ext⁻¹-is-equivalence :
∀ {a b} {A : Set a} →
({B : A → Set b} → Extensionality′ A B) →
{B : A → Set b} {f g : (x : A) → B x} →
Is-equivalence (ext⁻¹ {f = f} {g = g})
ext⁻¹-is-equivalence ext {f = f} {g} =
let surj : (∀ x → Singleton (g x)) ↠ (∃ λ f → ∀ x → f x ≡ g x)
surj = record
{ logical-equivalence = record
{ to = λ f → proj₁ ⊚ f , proj₂ ⊚ f
; from = λ p x → proj₁ p x , proj₂ p x
; right-inverse-of = refl
lemma₁ : Contractible (∃ λ f → ∀ x → f x ≡ g x)
lemma₁ =
H-level.respects-surjection surj 0 $
_⇔_.from Π-closure-contractible⇔extensionality
ext (singleton-contractible ⊚ g)
lemma₂ : Is-equivalence (Σ-map P.id ext⁻¹)
lemma₂ = function-between-contractible-types-is-equivalence
_ (singleton-contractible g) lemma₁
in drop-Σ-map-id ext⁻¹ lemma₂ f
extensionality-isomorphism :
∀ {a b} {A : Set a} →
({B : A → Set b} → Extensionality′ A B) →
{B : A → Set b} {f g : (x : A) → B x} →
(∀ x → f x ≡ g x) ≃ (f ≡ g)
extensionality-isomorphism ext =
inverse ⟨ _ , ext⁻¹-is-equivalence ext ⟩
good-ext : ∀ {a b} → Extensionality a b → Extensionality a b
good-ext ext = _≃_.to (extensionality-isomorphism ext)
good-ext-is-equivalence :
∀ {a b} (ext : Extensionality a b) →
{A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} {f g : (x : A) → B x} →
Is-equivalence {A = ∀ x → f x ≡ g x} (good-ext ext)
good-ext-is-equivalence ext =
_≃_.is-equivalence (extensionality-isomorphism ext)
good-ext-refl :
∀ {a b} (ext : Extensionality a b)
{A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} (f : (x : A) → B x) →
good-ext ext (λ x → refl (f x)) ≡ refl f
good-ext-refl ext f =
_≃_.to (extensionality-isomorphism ext) (λ x → refl (f x)) ≡⟨ cong (_≃_.to (extensionality-isomorphism ext)) $ sym $
ext (λ _ → ext⁻¹-refl f) ⟩
_≃_.to (extensionality-isomorphism ext) (ext⁻¹ (refl f)) ≡⟨ _≃_.right-inverse-of (extensionality-isomorphism ext) _ ⟩∎
refl f ∎
cong-good-ext :
∀ {a b} (ext : Extensionality a b)
{A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} {f g : (x : A) → B x}
(f≡g : ∀ x → f x ≡ g x) {x} →
cong (λ h → h x) (good-ext ext f≡g) ≡ f≡g x
cong-good-ext ext f≡g {x} =
let lemma = elim
(λ f≡g → cong (λ h → h x) f≡g ≡ ext⁻¹ f≡g x)
(λ f → cong (λ h → h x) (refl f) ≡⟨ cong-refl (λ h → h x) {x = f} ⟩
refl (f x) ≡⟨ sym $ ext⁻¹-refl f ⟩∎
ext⁻¹ (refl f) x ∎)
(good-ext ext f≡g)
cong (λ h → h x) (good-ext ext f≡g) ≡⟨ lemma ⟩
ext⁻¹ (good-ext ext f≡g) x ≡⟨ cong (λ h → h x) $
_≃_.left-inverse-of (extensionality-isomorphism ext) f≡g ⟩∎
f≡g x ∎
lift-equality :
∀ {a b} → Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
{A : Set a} {B : Set b} {p q : A ≃ B} →
_≃_.to p ≡ _≃_.to q → p ≡ q
lift-equality {a} {b} ext {p = ⟨ f , f-eq ⟩} {q = ⟨ g , g-eq ⟩} f≡g =
elim (λ {f g} f≡g → ∀ f-eq g-eq → ⟨ f , f-eq ⟩ ≡ ⟨ g , g-eq ⟩)
(λ f f-eq g-eq →
cong (⟨_,_⟩ f)
(_⇔_.to {To = Proof-irrelevant _}
(propositional ext f) f-eq g-eq))
f≡g f-eq g-eq
lift-equality-inverse :
∀ {a b} → Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
{A : Set a} {B : Set b} {p q : A ≃ B} →
_≃_.from p ≡ _≃_.from q → p ≡ q
lift-equality-inverse ext {p = p} {q = q} f≡g =
p ≡⟨ lift-equality ext (refl _) ⟩
inverse (inverse p) ≡⟨ cong inverse $ lift-equality ext f≡g ⟩
inverse (inverse q) ≡⟨ lift-equality ext (refl _) ⟩∎
q ∎
groupoid : ∀ {ℓ} → Extensionality ℓ ℓ → Groupoid (lsuc ℓ) ℓ
groupoid {ℓ} ext = record
{ Object = Set ℓ
; _∼_ = _≃_
; id = id
; _∘_ = _∘_
; _⁻¹ = inverse
; left-identity = left-identity
; right-identity = right-identity
; assoc = assoc
; left-inverse = left-inverse
; right-inverse = right-inverse
left-identity : {X Y : Set ℓ} (p : X ≃ Y) → id ∘ p ≡ p
left-identity _ = lift-equality ext (refl _)
right-identity : {X Y : Set ℓ} (p : X ≃ Y) → p ∘ id ≡ p
right-identity _ = lift-equality ext (refl _)
assoc : {W X Y Z : Set ℓ} (p : Y ≃ Z) (q : X ≃ Y) (r : W ≃ X) →
p ∘ (q ∘ r) ≡ (p ∘ q) ∘ r
assoc _ _ _ = lift-equality ext (refl _)
left-inverse : {X Y : Set ℓ} (p : X ≃ Y) → inverse p ∘ p ≡ id
left-inverse p = lift-equality ext (ext $ _≃_.left-inverse-of p)
right-inverse : {X Y : Set ℓ} (p : X ≃ Y) → p ∘ inverse p ≡ id
right-inverse p = lift-equality ext (ext $ _≃_.right-inverse-of p)
↔⇒≃-left-inverse :
∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} →
Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
(A≃B : A ≃ B) →
↔⇒≃ (_≃_.bijection A≃B) ≡ A≃B
↔⇒≃-left-inverse ext _ = lift-equality ext (refl _)
↔⇒≃-right-inverse :
∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} →
Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
Is-set A → (A↔B : A ↔ B) →
_≃_.bijection (↔⇒≃ A↔B) ≡ A↔B
↔⇒≃-right-inverse {a} {b} {B = B} ext A-set A↔B =
cong₂ (λ l r → record
{ surjection = record
{ logical-equivalence = _↔_.logical-equivalence A↔B
; right-inverse-of = r
; left-inverse-of = l
(lower-extensionality b b ext λ _ → _⇔_.to set⇔UIP A-set _ _)
(lower-extensionality a a ext λ _ → _⇔_.to set⇔UIP B-set _ _)
B-set : Is-set B
B-set = respects-surjection (_↔_.surjection A↔B) 2 A-set
↔↠≃ :
∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} →
Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
(A ↔ B) ↠ (A ≃ B)
↔↠≃ ext = record
{ logical-equivalence = record
{ to = ↔⇒≃
; from = _≃_.bijection
; right-inverse-of = ↔⇒≃-left-inverse ext
↔↔≃ :
∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} →
Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
Is-set A → (A ↔ B) ↔ (A ≃ B)
↔↔≃ ext A-set = record
{ surjection = ↔↠≃ ext
; left-inverse-of = ↔⇒≃-right-inverse ext A-set
⇔↔≃ : ∀ {a b} → Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
{A : Set a} {B : Set b} →
Is-proposition A → Is-proposition B → (A ⇔ B) ↔ (A ≃ B)
⇔↔≃ ext {A} {B} A-prop B-prop = record
{ surjection = record
{ logical-equivalence = record
{ to = ⇔→≃
; from = _≃_.logical-equivalence
; right-inverse-of = λ _ → lift-equality ext (refl _)
; left-inverse-of = refl
⇔→≃ : A ⇔ B → A ≃ B
⇔→≃ A⇔B = ↔⇒≃ record
{ surjection = record
{ logical-equivalence = A⇔B
; right-inverse-of = to∘from
; left-inverse-of = from∘to
open _⇔_ A⇔B
to∘from : ∀ x → to (from x) ≡ x
to∘from _ = _⇔_.to propositional⇔irrelevant B-prop _ _
from∘to : ∀ x → from (to x) ≡ x
from∘to _ = _⇔_.to propositional⇔irrelevant A-prop _ _
right-closure :
∀ {a b} → Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
∀ {A : Set a} {B : Set b} n →
H-level (1 + n) B → H-level (1 + n) (A ≃ B)
right-closure {a} {b} ext {A = A} {B} n h =
H-level.respects-surjection surj (1 + n) lemma
lemma : H-level (1 + n) (∃ λ (to : A → B) → Is-equivalence to)
lemma = Σ-closure (1 + n)
(Π-closure (lower-extensionality b a ext)
(1 + n) (const h))
(mono (m≤m+n 1 n) ⊚ propositional ext)
surj : (∃ λ (to : A → B) → Is-equivalence to) ↠ (A ≃ B)
surj = record
{ logical-equivalence = record
{ to = λ A≃B → ⟨ proj₁ A≃B , proj₂ A≃B ⟩
; from = λ A≃B → (_≃_.to A≃B , _≃_.is-equivalence A≃B)
; right-inverse-of = λ _ → refl _
left-closure :
∀ {a b} → Extensionality (a ⊔ b) (a ⊔ b) →
∀ {A : Set a} {B : Set b} n →
H-level (1 + n) A → H-level (1 + n) (A ≃ B)
left-closure ext {A = A} {B} n h =
H-level.[inhabited⇒+]⇒+ n λ (A≃B : A ≃ B) →
right-closure ext n $
H-level.respects-surjection (_≃_.surjection A≃B) (1 + n) h
≃-≡ : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} (A≃B : A ≃ B) {x y : A} →
let open _≃_ A≃B in
(to x ≡ to y) ≃ (x ≡ y)
≃-≡ A≃B {x} {y} = ↔⇒≃ record
{ surjection = surjection′
; left-inverse-of = left-inverse-of′
open _≃_ A≃B
surjection′ : (to x ≡ to y) ↠ (x ≡ y)
surjection′ =
Surjection.↠-≡ $
_↔_.surjection $
Bijection.inverse $
_≃_.bijection A≃B
left-inverse-of′ :
∀ p → _↠_.from surjection′ (_↠_.to surjection′ p) ≡ p
left-inverse-of′ = λ to-x≡to-y →
cong to (
trans (sym (left-inverse-of x)) $
trans (cong from to-x≡to-y) $
left-inverse-of y) ≡⟨ cong-trans to _ _ ⟩
trans (cong to (sym (left-inverse-of x))) (
cong to (trans (cong from to-x≡to-y) (
left-inverse-of y))) ≡⟨ cong₂ trans (cong-sym to _) (cong-trans to _ _) ⟩
trans (sym (cong to (left-inverse-of x))) (
trans (cong to (cong from to-x≡to-y)) (
cong to (left-inverse-of y))) ≡⟨ cong₂ (λ eq₁ eq₂ → trans (sym eq₁) $
trans (cong to (cong from to-x≡to-y)) $
(left-right-lemma x)
(left-right-lemma y) ⟩
trans (sym (right-inverse-of (to x))) (
trans (cong to (cong from to-x≡to-y)) (
right-inverse-of (to y))) ≡⟨ _↠_.right-inverse-of (Surjection.↠-≡ $ _≃_.surjection A≃B) to-x≡to-y ⟩∎
to-x≡to-y ∎
push-subst :
∀ {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} {A₁ : Set a₁} {A₂ : Set a₂}
(B₁ : A₁ → Set b₁) {B₂ : A₂ → Set b₂}
{f : A₂ → A₁} {x₁ x₂ : A₂} {y : B₁ (f x₁)}
(g : ∀ x → B₁ (f x) → B₂ x) (eq : x₁ ≡ x₂) →
subst B₂ eq (g x₁ y) ≡ g x₂ (subst B₁ (cong f eq) y)
push-subst B₁ {B₂} {f} g eq = elim
(λ {x₁ x₂} eq → ∀ y → subst B₂ eq (g x₁ y) ≡
g x₂ (subst B₁ (cong f eq) y))
(λ x y → subst B₂ (refl x) (g x y) ≡⟨ subst-refl B₂ _ ⟩
g x y ≡⟨ sym $ cong (g x) $ subst-refl B₁ _ ⟩
g x (subst B₁ (refl (f x)) y) ≡⟨ cong (λ eq → g x (subst B₁ eq y)) (sym $ cong-refl f) ⟩∎
g x (subst B₁ (cong f (refl x)) y) ∎)
eq _
push-subst′ :
∀ {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} {A₁ : Set a₁} {A₂ : Set a₂}
(A₁≃A₂ : A₁ ≃ A₂) (B₁ : A₁ → Set b₁) (B₂ : A₂ → Set b₂) →
let open _≃_ A₁≃A₂ in {x₁ x₂ : A₁} {y : B₁ (from (to x₁))}
(g : ∀ x → B₁ (from (to x)) → B₂ (to x)) (eq : to x₁ ≡ to x₂) →
subst B₂ eq (g x₁ y) ≡ g x₂ (subst B₁ (cong from eq) y)
push-subst′ A₁≃A₂ B₁ B₂ {x₁} {x₂} {y} g eq =
subst B₂ eq (g x₁ y) ≡⟨ cong (subst B₂ eq) $ sym $ g′-lemma _ _ ⟩
subst B₂ eq (g′ (to x₁) y) ≡⟨ push-subst B₁ g′ eq ⟩
g′ (to x₂) (subst B₁ (cong from eq) y) ≡⟨ g′-lemma _ _ ⟩∎
g x₂ (subst B₁ (cong from eq) y) ∎
open _≃_ A₁≃A₂
g′ : ∀ x′ → B₁ (from x′) → B₂ x′
g′ x′ y = subst B₂ (right-inverse-of x′) $
g (from x′) $
subst B₁ (sym $ cong from $ right-inverse-of x′) y
g′-lemma : ∀ x y → g′ (to x) y ≡ g x y
g′-lemma x y =
let lemma = λ y →
let gy = g (from (to x)) $
subst B₁
(sym $ cong from $ cong to (refl _)) y in
subst B₂ (cong to (refl _)) gy ≡⟨ cong (λ p → subst B₂ p gy) $ cong-refl to ⟩
subst B₂ (refl _) gy ≡⟨ subst-refl B₂ gy ⟩
gy ≡⟨ cong (λ p → g (from (to x)) $ subst B₁ (sym $ cong from p) y) $ cong-refl to ⟩
g (from (to x))
(subst B₁ (sym $ cong from (refl _)) y) ≡⟨ cong (λ p → g (from (to x)) $ subst B₁ (sym p) y) $ cong-refl from ⟩
g (from (to x))
(subst B₁ (sym (refl _)) y) ≡⟨ cong (λ p → g (from (to x)) $ subst B₁ p y) sym-refl ⟩
g (from (to x)) (subst B₁ (refl _) y) ≡⟨ cong (g (from (to x))) $ subst-refl B₁ y ⟩∎
g (from (to x)) y ∎
subst B₂ (right-inverse-of (to x))
(g (from (to x)) $
subst B₁ (sym $ cong from $
right-inverse-of (to x)) y) ≡⟨ cong (λ p → subst B₂ p (g (from (to x)) $ subst B₁ (sym $ cong from p) y)) $
sym $ left-right-lemma x ⟩
subst B₂ (cong to $ left-inverse-of x)
(g (from (to x)) $
subst B₁ (sym $ cong from $ cong to $
left-inverse-of x) y) ≡⟨ elim¹
(λ {x′} eq →
(y : B₁ (from (to x′))) →
subst B₂ (cong to eq)
(g (from (to x)) $ subst B₁ (sym $ cong from $ cong to eq) y) ≡
g x′ y)
(left-inverse-of x) y ⟩∎
g x y ∎
∃-preserves-functions :
∀ {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} {A₁ : Set a₁} {A₂ : Set a₂}
{B₁ : A₁ → Set b₁} {B₂ : A₂ → Set b₂}
(A₁≃A₂ : A₁ ≃ A₂) → (∀ x → B₁ x → B₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ x)) →
Σ A₁ B₁ → Σ A₂ B₂
∃-preserves-functions A₁≃A₂ B₁→B₂ = Σ-map (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂) (B₁→B₂ _)
∃-preserves-logical-equivalences :
∀ {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} {A₁ : Set a₁} {A₂ : Set a₂}
{B₁ : A₁ → Set b₁} {B₂ : A₂ → Set b₂}
(A₁≃A₂ : A₁ ≃ A₂) → (∀ x → B₁ x ⇔ B₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ x)) →
Σ A₁ B₁ ⇔ Σ A₂ B₂
∃-preserves-logical-equivalences {B₂ = B₂} A₁≃A₂ B₁⇔B₂ = record
{ to = ∃-preserves-functions A₁≃A₂ (_⇔_.to ⊚ B₁⇔B₂)
; from =
(inverse A₁≃A₂)
(λ x y → _⇔_.from
(B₁⇔B₂ (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂ x))
(subst B₂ (sym (_≃_.right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x)) y))
∃-preserves-injections :
∀ {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} {A₁ : Set a₁} {A₂ : Set a₂}
{B₁ : A₁ → Set b₁} {B₂ : A₂ → Set b₂}
(A₁≃A₂ : A₁ ≃ A₂) → (∀ x → B₁ x ↣ B₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ x)) →
Σ A₁ B₁ ↣ Σ A₂ B₂
∃-preserves-injections {A₁ = A₁} {A₂} {B₁} {B₂} A₁≃A₂ B₁↣B₂ = record
{ to = to′
; injective = injective′
open _↣_
to′ : Σ A₁ B₁ → Σ A₂ B₂
to′ = ∃-preserves-functions A₁≃A₂ (_↣_.to ⊚ B₁↣B₂)
injective′ : Injective to′
injective′ {x = (x₁ , x₂)} {y = (y₁ , y₂)} =
_↔_.to Σ-≡,≡↔≡ ⊚
Σ-map (_≃_.injective A₁≃A₂) (λ {eq₁} eq₂ →
let lemma =
to (B₁↣B₂ y₁) (subst B₁ (_≃_.injective A₁≃A₂ eq₁) x₂) ≡⟨ refl _ ⟩
to (B₁↣B₂ y₁)
(subst B₁ (trans (sym (_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x₁)) $
trans (cong (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂) eq₁)
(_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ y₁))
x₂) ≡⟨ cong (to (B₁↣B₂ y₁)) $ sym $ subst-subst B₁ _ _ _ ⟩
to (B₁↣B₂ y₁)
(subst B₁ (trans (cong (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂) eq₁)
(_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ y₁)) $
subst B₁ (sym (_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x₁))
x₂) ≡⟨ cong (to (B₁↣B₂ y₁)) $ sym $ subst-subst B₁ _ _ _ ⟩
to (B₁↣B₂ y₁)
(subst B₁ (_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ y₁) $
subst B₁ (cong (_≃_.from A₁≃A₂) eq₁) $
subst B₁ (sym (_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x₁)) x₂) ≡⟨ sym $ push-subst′ A₁≃A₂ B₁ B₂
(λ x y → to (B₁↣B₂ x)
(subst B₁ (_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x) y))
eq₁ ⟩
subst B₂ eq₁
(to (B₁↣B₂ x₁) $
subst B₁ (_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x₁) $
subst B₁ (sym (_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x₁)) x₂) ≡⟨ cong (subst B₂ eq₁ ⊚ to (B₁↣B₂ x₁)) $ subst-subst B₁ _ _ _ ⟩
subst B₂ eq₁
(to (B₁↣B₂ x₁) $
subst B₁ (trans (sym (_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x₁))
(_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x₁))
x₂) ≡⟨ cong (λ p → subst B₂ eq₁ (to (B₁↣B₂ x₁) (subst B₁ p x₂))) $
trans-symˡ _ ⟩
subst B₂ eq₁ (to (B₁↣B₂ x₁) $ subst B₁ (refl _) x₂) ≡⟨ cong (subst B₂ eq₁ ⊚ to (B₁↣B₂ x₁)) $
subst-refl B₁ x₂ ⟩
subst B₂ eq₁ (to (B₁↣B₂ x₁) x₂) ≡⟨ eq₂ ⟩∎
to (B₁↣B₂ y₁) y₂ ∎
subst B₁ (_≃_.injective A₁≃A₂ eq₁) x₂ ≡⟨ _↣_.injective (B₁↣B₂ y₁) lemma ⟩∎
y₂ ∎) ⊚
∃-preserves-surjections :
∀ {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} {A₁ : Set a₁} {A₂ : Set a₂}
{B₁ : A₁ → Set b₁} {B₂ : A₂ → Set b₂}
(A₁≃A₂ : A₁ ≃ A₂) → (∀ x → B₁ x ↠ B₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ x)) →
Σ A₁ B₁ ↠ Σ A₂ B₂
∃-preserves-surjections {A₁ = A₁} {A₂} {B₁} {B₂} A₁≃A₂ B₁↠B₂ = record
{ logical-equivalence = logical-equivalence′
; right-inverse-of = right-inverse-of′
open _↠_
logical-equivalence′ : Σ A₁ B₁ ⇔ Σ A₂ B₂
logical-equivalence′ =
∃-preserves-logical-equivalences A₁≃A₂ (logical-equivalence ⊚ B₁↠B₂)
right-inverse-of′ :
∀ p →
_⇔_.to logical-equivalence′ (_⇔_.from logical-equivalence′ p) ≡ p
right-inverse-of′ = λ p → Σ-≡,≡→≡
(_≃_.right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ (proj₁ p))
(subst B₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ (proj₁ p))
(to (B₁↠B₂ _) (from (B₁↠B₂ _)
(subst B₂ (sym (_≃_.right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ (proj₁ p)))
(proj₂ p)))) ≡⟨ cong (subst B₂ _) $ right-inverse-of (B₁↠B₂ _) _ ⟩
subst B₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ (proj₁ p))
(subst B₂ (sym (_≃_.right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ (proj₁ p)))
(proj₂ p)) ≡⟨ subst-subst-sym B₂ _ _ ⟩∎
proj₂ p ∎)
∃-preserves-bijections :
∀ {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} {A₁ : Set a₁} {A₂ : Set a₂}
{B₁ : A₁ → Set b₁} {B₂ : A₂ → Set b₂}
(A₁≃A₂ : A₁ ≃ A₂) → (∀ x → B₁ x ↔ B₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ x)) →
Σ A₁ B₁ ↔ Σ A₂ B₂
∃-preserves-bijections {A₁ = A₁} {A₂} {B₁} {B₂} A₁≃A₂ B₁↔B₂ = record
{ surjection = surjection′
; left-inverse-of = left-inverse-of′
open _↔_
surjection′ : Σ A₁ B₁ ↠ Σ A₂ B₂
surjection′ = ∃-preserves-surjections A₁≃A₂ (surjection ⊚ B₁↔B₂)
left-inverse-of′ :
∀ p → _↠_.from surjection′ (_↠_.to surjection′ p) ≡ p
left-inverse-of′ = λ p → Σ-≡,≡→≡
(_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ (proj₁ p))
(subst B₁ (_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ (proj₁ p))
(from (B₁↔B₂ _)
(subst B₂ (sym (_≃_.right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂
(_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ (proj₁ p))))
(to (B₁↔B₂ _) (proj₂ p)))) ≡⟨ push-subst B₂ (λ x → from (B₁↔B₂ x))
(_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ (proj₁ p)) ⟩
from (B₁↔B₂ _)
(subst B₂ (cong (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂)
(_≃_.left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ (proj₁ p)))
(subst B₂ (sym (_≃_.right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂
(_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ (proj₁ p))))
(to (B₁↔B₂ _) (proj₂ p)))) ≡⟨ cong (λ eq → from (B₁↔B₂ _)
(subst B₂ eq
(subst B₂ (sym (_≃_.right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ _))
(to (B₁↔B₂ _) (proj₂ p))))) $
_≃_.left-right-lemma A₁≃A₂ _ ⟩
from (B₁↔B₂ _)
(subst B₂ (_≃_.right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂
(_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ (proj₁ p)))
(subst B₂ (sym (_≃_.right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂
(_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ (proj₁ p))))
(to (B₁↔B₂ _) (proj₂ p)))) ≡⟨ cong (from (B₁↔B₂ _)) $ subst-subst-sym B₂ _ _ ⟩
from (B₁↔B₂ _) (to (B₁↔B₂ _) (proj₂ p)) ≡⟨ left-inverse-of (B₁↔B₂ _) _ ⟩∎
proj₂ p ∎)
Σ-preserves : ∀ {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} {A₁ : Set a₁} {A₂ : Set a₂}
{B₁ : A₁ → Set b₁} {B₂ : A₂ → Set b₂}
(A₁≃A₂ : A₁ ≃ A₂) → (∀ x → B₁ x ≃ B₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ x)) →
Σ A₁ B₁ ≃ Σ A₂ B₂
Σ-preserves A₁≃A₂ B₁≃B₂ = ↔⇒≃ $
∃-preserves-bijections A₁≃A₂ (_≃_.bijection ⊚ B₁≃B₂)
Π-preserves :
∀ {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} → Extensionality (a₁ ⊔ a₂) (b₁ ⊔ b₂) →
{A₁ : Set a₁} {A₂ : Set a₂} {B₁ : A₁ → Set b₁} {B₂ : A₂ → Set b₂} →
(A₁≃A₂ : A₁ ≃ A₂) → (∀ x → B₁ x ≃ B₂ (_≃_.to A₁≃A₂ x)) →
((x : A₁) → B₁ x) ≃ ((x : A₂) → B₂ x)
Π-preserves {a₁} {a₂} {b₁} {b₂} ext {A₁} {A₂} {B₁} {B₂} A₁≃A₂ B₁≃B₂ =
↔⇒≃ record
{ surjection = record
{ logical-equivalence = record
{ to = to′
; from = from′
; right-inverse-of = right-inverse-of′
; left-inverse-of = left-inverse-of′
open _≃_
to′ : ((x : A₁) → B₁ x) → (x : A₂) → B₂ x
to′ f x = subst B₂ (right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x)
(to (B₁≃B₂ (from A₁≃A₂ x))
(f (from A₁≃A₂ x)))
from′ : ((x : A₂) → B₂ x) → (x : A₁) → B₁ x
from′ f x = from (B₁≃B₂ x) (f (to A₁≃A₂ x))
right-inverse-of′ : ∀ f → to′ (from′ f) ≡ f
right-inverse-of′ = λ f → lower-extensionality a₁ b₁ ext λ x →
subst B₂ (right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x)
(to (B₁≃B₂ (from A₁≃A₂ x))
(from (B₁≃B₂ (from A₁≃A₂ x))
(f (to A₁≃A₂ (from A₁≃A₂ x))))) ≡⟨ cong (subst B₂ (right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x)) $
right-inverse-of (B₁≃B₂ _) _ ⟩
subst B₂ (right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x)
(f (to A₁≃A₂ (from A₁≃A₂ x))) ≡⟨ elim (λ {x y} x≡y → subst B₂ x≡y (f x) ≡ f y)
(λ x → subst-refl B₂ (f x))
(right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x) ⟩∎
f x ∎
left-inverse-of′ : ∀ f → from′ (to′ f) ≡ f
left-inverse-of′ = λ f → lower-extensionality a₂ b₂ ext λ x →
from (B₁≃B₂ x)
(subst B₂ (right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ (to A₁≃A₂ x))
(to (B₁≃B₂ (from A₁≃A₂ (to A₁≃A₂ x)))
(f (from A₁≃A₂ (to A₁≃A₂ x))))) ≡⟨ cong (λ eq → from (B₁≃B₂ x)
(subst B₂ eq
(to (B₁≃B₂ (from A₁≃A₂ (to A₁≃A₂ x)))
(f (from A₁≃A₂ (to A₁≃A₂ x))))))
(sym $ left-right-lemma A₁≃A₂ x) ⟩
from (B₁≃B₂ x)
(subst B₂ (cong (to A₁≃A₂) (left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x))
(to (B₁≃B₂ (from A₁≃A₂ (to A₁≃A₂ x)))
(f (from A₁≃A₂ (to A₁≃A₂ x))))) ≡⟨ sym $ push-subst B₂ (λ x y → from (B₁≃B₂ x) y)
(left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x) ⟩
subst B₁ (left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x)
(from (B₁≃B₂ (from A₁≃A₂ (to A₁≃A₂ x)))
(to (B₁≃B₂ (from A₁≃A₂ (to A₁≃A₂ x)))
(f (from A₁≃A₂ (to A₁≃A₂ x))))) ≡⟨ cong (subst B₁ (left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x)) $
left-inverse-of (B₁≃B₂ _) _ ⟩
subst B₁ (left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x)
(f (from A₁≃A₂ (to A₁≃A₂ x))) ≡⟨ elim (λ {x y} x≡y → subst B₁ x≡y (f x) ≡ f y)
(λ x → subst-refl B₁ (f x))
(left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ x) ⟩∎
f x ∎
∀-preserves :
∀ {a b₁ b₂} → Extensionality a (b₁ ⊔ b₂) →
{A : Set a} {B₁ : A → Set b₁} {B₂ : A → Set b₂} →
(∀ x → B₁ x ≃ B₂ x) →
((x : A) → B₁ x) ≃ ((x : A) → B₂ x)
∀-preserves {a} {b₁} {b₂} ext {A} {B₁} {B₂} B₁≃B₂ = ↔⇒≃ record
{ surjection = record
{ logical-equivalence = record
{ to = to′
; from = from′
; right-inverse-of = right-inverse-of′
; left-inverse-of = left-inverse-of′
open _≃_
to′ : ((x : A) → B₁ x) → (x : A) → B₂ x
to′ f x = to (B₁≃B₂ x) (f x)
from′ : ((x : A) → B₂ x) → (x : A) → B₁ x
from′ f x = from (B₁≃B₂ x) (f x)
right-inverse-of′ : ∀ f → to′ (from′ f) ≡ f
right-inverse-of′ = λ f → lower-extensionality a b₁ ext λ x →
to (B₁≃B₂ x) (from (B₁≃B₂ x) (f x)) ≡⟨ right-inverse-of (B₁≃B₂ x) (f x) ⟩∎
f x ∎
left-inverse-of′ : ∀ f → from′ (to′ f) ≡ f
left-inverse-of′ = λ f → lower-extensionality a b₂ ext λ x →
from (B₁≃B₂ x) (to (B₁≃B₂ x) (f x)) ≡⟨ left-inverse-of (B₁≃B₂ x) (f x) ⟩∎
f x ∎
≃-preserves :
∀ {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} →
Extensionality (a₁ ⊔ a₂ ⊔ b₁ ⊔ b₂) (a₁ ⊔ a₂ ⊔ b₁ ⊔ b₂) →
{A₁ : Set a₁} {A₂ : Set a₂} {B₁ : Set b₁} {B₂ : Set b₂} →
A₁ ≃ A₂ → B₁ ≃ B₂ → (A₁ ≃ B₁) ≃ (A₂ ≃ B₂)
≃-preserves {a₁} {a₂} {b₁} {b₂} ext {A₁} {A₂} {B₁} {B₂} A₁≃A₂ B₁≃B₂ =
↔⇒≃ (record
{ surjection = record
{ logical-equivalence = record
{ to = λ A₁≃B₁ → B₁≃B₂ ∘ A₁≃B₁ ∘ inverse A₁≃A₂
; from = λ A₂≃B₂ → inverse B₁≃B₂ ∘ A₂≃B₂ ∘ A₁≃A₂
; right-inverse-of = to∘from
; left-inverse-of = from∘to
open _≃_
to∘from :
(A₂≃B₂ : A₂ ≃ B₂) →
B₁≃B₂ ∘ (inverse B₁≃B₂ ∘ A₂≃B₂ ∘ A₁≃A₂) ∘ inverse A₁≃A₂ ≡ A₂≃B₂
to∘from A₂≃B₂ =
lift-equality (lower-extensionality (a₁ ⊔ b₁) (a₁ ⊔ b₁) ext) $
lower-extensionality (a₁ ⊔ b₁ ⊔ b₂) (a₁ ⊔ a₂ ⊔ b₁) ext λ x →
to B₁≃B₂ (from B₁≃B₂ (to A₂≃B₂ (to A₁≃A₂ (from A₁≃A₂ x)))) ≡⟨ right-inverse-of B₁≃B₂ _ ⟩
to A₂≃B₂ (to A₁≃A₂ (from A₁≃A₂ x)) ≡⟨ cong (to A₂≃B₂) $ right-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ _ ⟩∎
to A₂≃B₂ x ∎
from∘to :
(A₁≃B₁ : A₁ ≃ B₁) →
inverse B₁≃B₂ ∘ (B₁≃B₂ ∘ A₁≃B₁ ∘ inverse A₁≃A₂) ∘ A₁≃A₂ ≡ A₁≃B₁
from∘to A₁≃B₁ =
lift-equality (lower-extensionality (a₂ ⊔ b₂) (a₂ ⊔ b₂) ext) $
lower-extensionality (a₂ ⊔ b₁ ⊔ b₂) (a₁ ⊔ a₂ ⊔ b₂) ext λ x →
from B₁≃B₂ (to B₁≃B₂ (to A₁≃B₁ (from A₁≃A₂ (to A₁≃A₂ x)))) ≡⟨ left-inverse-of B₁≃B₂ _ ⟩
to A₁≃B₁ (from A₁≃A₂ (to A₁≃A₂ x)) ≡⟨ cong (to A₁≃B₁) $ left-inverse-of A₁≃A₂ _ ⟩∎
to A₁≃B₁ x ∎
≃-preserves-bijections :
∀ {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} →
Extensionality (a₁ ⊔ a₂ ⊔ b₁ ⊔ b₂) (a₁ ⊔ a₂ ⊔ b₁ ⊔ b₂) →
{A₁ : Set a₁} {A₂ : Set a₂} {B₁ : Set b₁} {B₂ : Set b₂} →
A₁ ↔ A₂ → B₁ ↔ B₂ → (A₁ ≃ B₁) ↔ (A₂ ≃ B₂)
≃-preserves-bijections ext A₁↔A₂ B₁↔B₂ =
_≃_.bijection $ ≃-preserves ext (↔⇒≃ A₁↔A₂) (↔⇒≃ B₁↔B₂)
W-≡,≡≃≡ : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} →
(∀ {x} {C : B x → Set (a ⊔ b)} → Extensionality′ (B x) C) →
∀ {x y} {f : B x → W A B} {g : B y → W A B} →
(∃ λ (p : x ≡ y) → ∀ i → f i ≡ g (subst B p i)) ≃
(sup x f ≡ sup y g)
W-≡,≡≃≡ {a} {A = A} {B} ext {x} {y} {f} {g} =
(∃ λ p → ∀ i → f i ≡ g (subst B p i)) ≃⟨ Σ-preserves id lemma ⟩
(∃ λ p → subst (λ x → B x → W A B) p f ≡ g) ≃⟨ ↔⇒≃ Σ-≡,≡↔≡ ⟩
((x , f) ≡ (y , g)) ≃⟨ ≃-≡ (↔⇒≃ W-unfolding) ⟩□
(sup x f ≡ sup y g) □
lemma : (p : x ≡ y) →
(∀ i → f i ≡ g (subst B p i)) ≃
(subst (λ x → B x → W A B) p f ≡ g)
lemma p = elim
(λ {x y} p → (f : B x → W A B) (g : B y → W A B) →
(∀ i → f i ≡ g (subst B p i)) ≃
(subst (λ x → B x → W A B) p f ≡ g))
(λ x f g →
(∀ i → f i ≡ g (subst B (refl x) i)) ≃⟨ subst (λ h → (∀ i → f i ≡ g (h i)) ≃ (∀ i → f i ≡ g i))
(sym (lower-extensionality₂ a ext (subst-refl B)))
id ⟩
(∀ i → f i ≡ g i) ≃⟨ extensionality-isomorphism ext ⟩
(f ≡ g) ≃⟨ subst (λ h → (f ≡ g) ≃ (h ≡ g))
(sym $ subst-refl (λ x' → B x' → W A B) f)
id ⟩□
(subst (λ x → B x → W A B) (refl x) f ≡ g) □)
p f g